What are you going to do?

This week, I got back to yoga after a break for a medical leave. It feels good to get my body moving and stretching again. I am amazed at how sore I am after I felt like I had taken it “easy” on myself in class, but that’s okay. It’s proof of work and that I am indeed alive and moving!

I really enjoy yoga. I’ve taken a few classes before, but started attending in earnest this last May. While it’s not easy, I do feel like it’s a gentle way to get more fit, get the blood flowing, and calm my mind. I feel like my whole body has gotten a workout.

I like our class because it’s not about trying to be the best person who’s ever done yoga, it’s about doing what works best for your body. I have to say that really takes the pressure off. No pressure to be perfect. I like that, because I am far from perfect.

Also, there’s no slouching in class. There might be a pop quiz so you have to pay attention. 😉

Today, Brent asked us what we were going to do for ourselves between now and Christmas. After he established we couldn’t say “coming to yoga” (that was indeed my original answer!), I really had to think about it. Doing things for myself doesn’t really come into play during the holidays. So, it was nice be given permission to do a little something for myself over the next six weeks. I’m going to take more time to read. I’ve been reading more lately and it’s easy to forget how much I enjoy getting lost in a good book.

So, what are you going to to for yourself between now and Christmas?

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